Sunday, October 7, 2007

Genesis 22 => The work of Christ

God foreshadows much of what He says in the New Testament with what He wrote in the Old Testament. One example of this is in Genesis 22 when God orders Abraham to sacrifice his son. This action foretells Christ's struggle for salvation and how He was sacrificed in order to create a new covenant with his people.

God used the Old Testament prophets to tell of Jesus' sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. Clearly, both the Old Testament passage and Christ's life involve a father willingly sacrificing their sons. Abraham was ordered by God to send up his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Years later, Jesus was sent down by the Father as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of humanity. While Jesus was aware that he was about to be sacrificed, Isaac was oblivious to his role, and ended up not being the victim. Nevertheless, both actions showed not only God's love for His people, but that following God requires sacrifice.

Both of these sacrifices served a purpose in God's salvation plan. After Abraham obeyed God's request, God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to make his descendants great and numerous. Jesus came to earth and the New Testament was made, and the gates to Heaven were opened. Following the creation of these covenants, salvation for the people of God became more clear.

Through Sacred Scripture the people of God learn how to follow the Lord. In both Genesis 22 and the life of Jesus, one can see that often what God asks is challenging in many ways, but the eternal rewards are well worth the short suffering. By following the examples given in these passages, it becomes clear how to attain salvation, through obedience and sacrifice.

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